PORTFOLIO > Emerald City
What did we do?

Their main center electric screen would not roll up any further than this

Laser technology eliminates lamp changes and presents an incredibly bright image

No more figuring out which lens to get with your projector; low profile installation means less concern over aesthetics

Removing the old projector allowed us to move the stage display screen to an easier to see location

Removing the center screen opened up full time viewing of the gorgeous stained glass and still provides large imagery with easy viewing

We worked with the pastor and met with several of the church leaders to discuss a multi-phase installation process to upgrade the projection, video, lighting and audio systems over the next 2-3 years.
Phase 1 was the projection system and not only have we improved the aesthetic of the space by opening up the center of the stage space, but we have revealed the amazing stained glass for full time viewing.
Our low-profile, ultra short throw laser projection system solution produces bright and vivid images, great contrast and with dual 100" screens fits the space extremely well. The pastor could not be happier.
What is not pictured are the additions we made to their booth; a new iMac running ProPresenter and outputting to a 1x4 HDMI distribution amplifier sends signals via an HDMI over IP system to the projectors and a separate stage display feed to the TV mounted on the back wall.