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What is ALR?


Ambient-light rejecting (ALR) technology has been around for a number of years and many manufacturers offer some semblance of an ALR product.  Performance varies greatly, largely due the lack of a standard for manufacturers to aim for. 

6000 lumen laser projector @ 21ft. throw

However, one of the main downsides to ALR technology is its cost, which can be prohibitively expensive when compared to the standard white screen we are all accustomed to.  This is where this incredible paint comes in-from a cost standpoint, it can save you thousands of dollars.  It also outperforms all the big ALR screen manufacturers in performance.  If you keep an eye on our YouTube channel, you'll begin to see why we chose this solution for our clients moving forward.  Outdoor demonstrations are coming-something you just don't see in the ALR industry.  This is meant to prove to you that we can pull images in an environment that has been a no-go for projection systems until now! 
This ALR screen paint technology is a large TV and LED video wall killer!  If you have questions, drop us a line to find out how this paint technology can revitalize your projection system in no time!  Want to know more? Contact us today to find out if this is the right solution for your church!

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